What to Expect



To all who are weary, and need rest; to all who mourn, and long for comfort; to all who fail, and desire strength; to all who sin, and need a Savior, we open wide our doors with a welcome from Jesus himself, the Friend of sinners.


We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. on the border of the Green Lake and Roosevelt neighborhoods at 564 NE Ravenna Blvd. Seattle, WA, 98115. We are the green church with red doors. We have coffee and tea available before service so you are invited to come early and get to know someone or just sit quietly in preparation for worship.

For those driving, there is ample parking in the church parking lot, as well as the commuter lot, which is accessible on Sundays next to the church under the interstate. If you are coming by light rail, the Roosevelt Station is within walking distance and just minutes from the church. Bus stops are also located nearby. As you enter the building, please grab a bulletin off the table in the entry so you can follow along with our liturgy. The restrooms are located downstairs. We provide clipboards, a children’s worship activity, and colored pencils for children attending worship. These are located on the main table as you walk in. For more information on children’s ministry, please see our Harbor Kids page.

We look forward to meeting you!

Planning Your Visit


Worship of the triune God is at the heart of who we are as a church. We believe God is a divine community — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — three in one and one in three, and He is seeking and saving a lost world. God has purposed to be for us, in us, and through us and our worship is a living witness that God is on the move. As we worship, so we are, so we become, and so goes the world. Just as a single river flowed from the Edenic garden at the beginning of time, turning into four rivers to water the earth, and just as a river will flow from the Garden City at the end of time for the healing of the nations, so our time in-between is focused on sacred-space. We believe gathered worship is a place of renewal—personally, corporately as the church, but even civically and culturally for our city.

Our worship service follows a historic liturgy that dates back to the early church and is a journey through the gospel story. We pray many prayers, sing ancient and new hymns, read a lot of Scripture, move our bodies, hear a sermon, and feast together on Christ at His table. This aims to bring us to share in God’s Triune life. As such, worship is not so much about what we give to God but what he gives to us—gracious fellowship with himself through Jesus and by the Spirit. But even there, what we receive, we are called to give for the life of the world. Our Sunday liturgy is to shape and inform our everyday liturgies. Just as the Lord’s table generously gives us life, so we aim for our tables at home, in the pub, or wherever, to be life-giving sites of the gospel.

Sunday Worship