Growing together
in Community
Harbor Groups
Harbor Groups are places of community that center around a common life of studying the Scriptures, praying, and supporting each other. Our hope is that in these groups you will be relationally known, spiritually formed, and emotionally supported.
Shaping Our Everyday Liturgies
At Harbor Anglican we envision people from all walks and stages of life gathered to worship Jesus Christ as the redeemed people of God. As a liturgical, sacramental church we aim to be those who prioritize Sunday worship as the unique time when we experience the gospel together through Christ gathering us, cleansing us, speaking to us, feeding us, and sending us. As we are sent out each week, our worship closes with the prayer: “And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.”
During the week we desire the people of Harbor to meet together with intentionality, seeking to put into practice in the world what we experienced in the sanctuary. Harbor Groups (HG) are smaller groups for persons who worship with Harbor Anglican on Sundays. In these smaller groups we allow our experience of the gospel through Sunday’s liturgy to shape our everyday liturgies.
After a short holiday hiatus, Harbor Groups are back this winter. Click the link below to learn more about each group.